Series - Down Time
Rating - Rated: K+
Genre - General/Humor
Published - 05-15-12, Updated: 05-15-12
Chapters: 1, Words: 359
The hollow doesn't heed Zangetsu's warnings
about the consequences of frightening Ichigo
after his return from soul society, and finds out the hard way
that when Zangetsu says 'rain' he means 'RAIN'
Series - Down Time
Rating - Rated: T
Genre - Humor/Supernatural
Published - 05-18-12, Updated: 05-18-12
Chapters: 1, Words: 858
There is a very good reason Zangetsu does NOT like Benihime.
Series - Down Time
Rating - Rated: K
Genre - Humor/Friendship
Published - 05-12-12, Updated: 05-17-12
Chapters: 4, Words: 2,897
A sparing match between Ichigo and Zangetsu
devolves into a game of keep away
when Zangetsu manages to loose his sunglasses.
Genre: Humor/General
Published: 06-15-12, Updated: 06-15-12
Chapters: 1, Words: 1,542
Ichigo is talking with zangetsu in his inner world
when they have an unexpected visitor, and Ichigo
meets the first zanpakotou he ever wielded.
Series - Down Time
Rating - Rated: T
Genre - Hurt/Comfort/Angst
Published - 05-23-12, Updated: 05-23-12
Chapters: 1, Words: 896
Theres a difference between being told something and experiencing it, ichigo thought he understood that the Final Getsuga would destroy his powers, but he didn't truly understand what that meant and what it would do to him until it was far to late